Citesc pentru prima dată, astăzi, site-ul unui mare om pe care, pe nedrept, nu l-am elogiat pînă acum.: Niels Schnecker. Desigur, l-am văzut pe la diverse televiziuni, dar una e imaginea din turbionul catodic, alta e imaginea așezată a acestui multilateral talent. NS este un om enciclopedic, aflăm de pe blog, e prezent, adică, în 21 de enciclopedii ale personalităților mondiale (și românești)într-o singură viață de om. Douăzecișiunu, simt nevoia să scriu și cu litere!  Și e membru în comitete și comisii din lumea largă. De pildă în World Federation of Europeans (pe care, din păcate, nu am găsit-o pe internet, dar se poate să nu fi căutat eu bine). Mă bucur că acest talent extraordinar a fost și Ambasador American  din moment ce i s-a atribuit titlul de Sovereign Ambassador al Ordinului Ambassadorilor Americani. Și altele, și altele. Nu pun la socoteală isprăvile militare ale domnului Niels Schnecker, pe site nu se vorbește despre ele, pesemne că nu se ridică la înălțimea celorlalte calități. Nu știu cîți dintre compatrioții noștri se mai pot mandri cu calitatea de membru al Lions Club Internațional, unde se știe că nu poți intra cu una, cu două, iar locurile sînt limitate! Să nu uităm, iarăși, faptul că NS este vorbitor a 9 limbi străine: Româna, Germana, Engleza, Franceza, Italiana, Ebraica, Yiddish, Afrikaans și, ultima pe listă cu voia dumneavoastră, LATINA! Din păcate, însă, reputatul analist financiar nu poate ține conferințe decît în șapte din aceste limbi. În Yiddish și în latină nu poate ține conferințe, nu știu din ce motive. Păcat. Păcat, de asemenea,  că și site-ul dumnealui care poate fi citit în mai multe limbi, nu are o variantă în latină. Ar fi interesant, ar avea cardinalii de la Vatican (și Papa) ce citi. Ceea ce este îmbucurător pentru toți cetățenii români și străini, însă, e faptul că-l pot întîlni pe Niels Schnecker, în caz că organizează evenimentele prevăzute aici. Așadar, chiar un botez se încadreză, dacă e vorba, desigur, de un eveniment VIp și/sau internațional.

MIe, unul, îmi pare rău că acest adevărat geniu nu a ajuns director la SNCFR. Pentru că el chiar era Marfă, frate!


12 thoughts on “Valori pe care ar trebui să le cinstim: cu o cinzeacă, un fursec, o invitație la un eveniment

  1. Da, are multe calitati acest tip si pentru ca este in slujba Varanului, alaturi de Victor Ciorbea(halal…), se poate trage o singura concluzie: este “afemeiat” dupa…..bani multi !!

  2. @E interesant că vorbește nouă limbi străine, dar nu vorbește nici o limbă maternă!
    -păi trebuie căutată în cele 9 limbi vorbite.
    La ce figură are și la ce nume, bănuiesc că are încă un ușor iz de nisip dă orientu mijlociu. (nu că ar fi un lucru rău doamne-ferește)
    Și eu știam că a fost șef la CFR vreo 12,5 minute.

  3. Smecher tare, nenea Schneker asta….mai stiti cum prostea poporul cu televizorul la Antena 1?
    e si el un pui de santajist….?

  4. Stai un pic, sa ma lamuresc… singurul lucru pe care al putut sa il spui despre schnecker este ca vorbeste 9 limbi straine si are un cv baban?
    Clar, este un nenorocit si un lingau!

    Ce are fi mai rau ar fi sa spui ca este ochelarist, gras si chel. Dar asta nu poti sa spui, este?

    • @adrian: pot să spun ce vreau.Ca dovadă, chiar spun ce vreau! 🙂 Așa cum alții înțeleg ce vor.

  5. erată la @ adrian
    se citește „… singurul lucru pe care al putut sa il spui despre schnecker este ca vorbesc 9 limbi straine”

  6. Domnule Morar, aveti lista completa a personalului care a lucrat sub conducerea Reagan la Casa Alba 1981-1989

    Domnul mai face parte si din American Academy of Financial Management… care, de “prestigiu” fiind … ia, cititi cu voce tare: “In October 2010, the Wall Street Journal published an article detailing the use of questionable credentials by financial advisors that discussed the AAFM extensively.[2] The article noted that the AAFM included among its Global Board of Academic Advisors & Professors several individuals who had never given their permission to be listed as board members. The article criticized the practice of many standards boards, AAFM included, of awarding credentials without requiring applicants to undergo any sort of assessment or examination, quoting the AAFM’s founder, George Mentz, as evidence of this practice. A claim on the AAFM website that it had a special affiliation with both the CFA Institute and the CFP Board, which administer Chartered Financial Analyst and Certified Financial Planner certificate programs, respectively, was rebutted by representatives of both organizations in the article.
    The AAFM has countered that individuals listed on its board of advisors did consent to be listed, posting emails from two individuals on its website.[5] The organization also posted to its website part of the signature page of a document agreeing that the Association for Investment Management Research (the precursor to the CFA Institute) would not contest the AAFM’s trademarks, with the signature itself blanked and replaced with the type-written statement, “Signed by Sharon Glover, who must have been Jeannie Andersons Boss at the time” (sic).[6]

    (Alphabetical List)

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

    *Indicates the Library does not currently have a collection for this individual

    ABDOO, HELEN TERRY Office of Media Relations: Staff Assistant, 1984-86
    Office of Public Liaison: Research Assistant, 1986-87

    ABSHIRE, DAVID M Office of the Counsel to the President: Special Counsel to the President (Coordinator for Iran Inquiries), 1986-87

    ACLE, LUIS Office of Public Liaison: Associate Director, Ethnic Groups and Hispanics, 1985-86

    ADDINGTON, DAVID S. Office of Legislative Affairs: Special Assistant to the President, House, 1987-88

    ALLEN, MARIE National Archives and Records Administration – Presidential Papers, 1981-84 (White House Office of Records Management)

    ALLEN, RICHARD V. Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs., 1981-82

    ALLIN, LYNDON K. (MORT) Office of the Press Secretary: Assistant Press Secretary/Foreign Affairs, 1981
    Office of the Press Secretary: Deputy Press Secretary, 1982-83

    ALVARADO, RONALD L. Office of Intergovernmental Affairs: Special Assistant to the President, 1982-84

    ANDERSON, CARL Office of Public Liaison: Special Assistant to the President, (Domestic Policy, Catholics, Family Issues), 1985-87

    *ANDERSON, KATHERINE M. Office of Cabinet Affairs: Associate Director, 1983

    ANDERSON, MARTIN Office of Policy Development: Assistant to the President.. 1981-82

    ANDERSON, ROBERT B Office of White House Correspondence: Director, Mail Processing, 1982
    Office of White House Correspondence: Director, Reply Processing, 1982
    Office of White House Correspondence, Visitor’s Office: Deputy Director, Operations, 1982-87

    ANDRICOS, GEORGE “MIKE” Legislative Affairs Directorate, NSC: Director, 1987-88

    ARCHIE, TIMOTHY Office of Public Liaison: Executive Assistant and Associate Director for Youth., 1986-87

    AREY, LINDA L. Office of Public Liaison: Special Assistant to the President & Deputy Director; Women, 1985-87

    *ARMSTRONG, ANNE L. President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board: Chairman, 1982-88

    *ARMSTRONG, GEORGE Office of Presidential Personnel: Associate Director, 1983-85

    *ARSHT, LESLYE Office of the Press Secretary: Special Assistant to the President & Deputy Press Secretary, 1987-88

    ASTRUE, MICHAEL J Office of the Counsel to the President: Associate Counsel to the President, 1988

    ATWATER, LEE Office of Political Affairs: Deputy Assistant to the President for Southern States; Deputy Director, 1981-82

    BACARISSE, CHARLES E. Office of Media and Broadcast Relations: Staff Assistant, 1987

    BACH, CHRISTINA L. Office of Intergovernmental Affairs: Special Assistant, Municipal and County Officials, 1981-88

    BAILEY, NORMAN A. International Economic Affairs Directorate, NSC: Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director, 1981-1983
    Planning and Evaluation Directorate, NSC: Director, 1983-84

    BAILEY, PAMELA G. *Office of Public Affairs: Special Assistant to the President & Deputy Director, 1983
    Office of Communications: Special Assistant to the President & Director, Communications Planning, 1984-85

    *BAKALY, CHARLES G. Advance Office: Deputy Director, 1981-82
    Advance Office: Director, 1982

    BAKER, HOWARD H., JR. Office of the Chief of Staff: Chief of Staff to the President, 1987-88

    BAKER, JAMES A., III Office of the Chief of Staff: Chief of Staff and Assistant to the President, 1981-1985

    BAKSHIAN, ARAM, JR. Office of Public Liaison: Special Assistant to the President for Arts and Humanities, Education & International Affairs, 1981
    *Office of Speechwriting: Deputy Assistant to the President & Director, 1981-83

    BALFOUR, DEBORAH Office of the First Lady: Deputy Director, Projects, 1986-88

    BALL, WILLIAM L., III Office of Legislative Affairs: Assistant to the President, 1986-88

    BANDOW, DOUGLAS L. Office of Policy Development: Deputy Assistant Director, Legal Policy, 1981-82

    *BANNING, ANNE Office of Presidential Personnel: Director, Recruiting, 1985
    Office of Presidential Personnel: Associate Director, Human Resources, 1986-87

    *BARBOUR, HALEY Office of Political Affairs: Special Assistant to the President & Deputy Director, 1982-84
    Office of Political Affairs: Deputy Assistant to the President & Director, 1985

    BARNETT, TRICIA Office of Private Sector Initiatives: Associate Director of Communications, 1985-88

    BAROODY, MICHAEL E. *Office of Communications: Special Assistant to the President, 1981
    Office of Public Affairs: Deputy Assistant to the President and Director, 1982-85

    BARR, WILLIAM L. Office of Policy Development: Deputy Assistant Director for Legal Policy, 1982-83

    *BARTLETT, BRUCE R. Office of Policy Development: Senior Policy Analyst

    BARUN, KENNETH L Office of the First Lady: Director of Projects, 1985-86

    BATTEN, MICHAEL D. Office of White House Correspondence: Agency Liaison, 1982-88.

    BAUER, GARY L. Office of Policy Development: Policy Analyst, 1981
    Office of Policy Development: Assistant to the President, 1987-88

    BAUMAN, GENIE Office of Policy Development: Policy Analyst, 1988

    *BAYLESS, JIM Office of Presidential Personnel: Associate Director, 1982

    BEAL, RICHARD S. Office of Planning and Evaluation: Special Assistant to the President and Director, 1981-82
    Crisis Management Center, NSC: Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director, 1982-85.

    *BECKER, JEROME DAVID Office of Political Affairs: Associate Director, 1987-88

    *BEDELL, CATHERINE Office of Presidential Personnel: Associate Director, 1986-87

    BELL, LILLIE M. Office of White House Correspondence: Director of Correspondence Analysis, 1981-89

    BELL, MARIAM Office of Public Liaison: Deputy Assistant Director; Staff Assistant, 1985-88

    BEMIS, ROBERT C. International Programs and Technology Affairs Directorate, NSC: Director, 1987-88

    *BERTOCCHIO, LARRILYN Office of Political Affairs: Associate Director, 1986

    BESERRA, RUDY Office of Public Liaison: Associate Director for Hispanics (also Asian Americans, Arab Americans), 1987-88

    BISTANY, JOANNA Office of Communications: Deputy, 1982
    Office of Communications: Special Assistant to the President, 1982-83

    BLACK, JUDY A. Office of Intergovernmental Affairs: Special Assistant for Governors and other Statewide Officials, 1987-88

    BLACKWELL, MORTON C. Office of Public Liaison: Special Assistant to the President, Religion, 1981-85

    BLAIR, DENNIS C. Political Affairs Directorate, NSC: Director Western Europe, 1981-1983.
    European and Soviet Affairs Directorate, NSC: Deputy Senior Director, 1983.

    *BLAKEY, MARION C. Office of Planning & Evaluation: Associate Director, 1983-85
    Office of Policy Development, Senior Policy Analyst, 1985-86, 1988

    BLANKLEY, ANTHONY Office of Planning & Evaluation : Associate Director, 1983-85
    Office of Policy Development: Senior Policy Analyst, 1985-86, 1988

    BLEDSOE, RALPH C. Office of Planning and Evaluation: Associate Director, 1981-82
    Office of Policy Development: Executive Secretary Cabinet Council for Management, 1982-85
    Domestic Policy Council: Special Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy and Executive Secretary DPC, 1985-1989

    *BLESSIE, MELANIE Office of Legislative Affairs: Assistant Director, Congressional Correspondence, 1984-87

    BOARD, ELIZABETH Office of Media Relations: Special Assistant to the President and Director of the Television Office, 1985-88

    BOCKORNEY, DAVID Office of Legislative Affairs: Special Assistant to the President, House, 1985-88

    BOGGS, DANNY J. Office of Policy Development: Senior Policy Advisor, Energy, Agriculture, Natural Resources, 1981
    Office of Policy Development: Spec. Asst. to the President and Asst. Director, 1982-83.

    BOGGS, PAULA E. Office of the Counsel to the President: Attorney, 1988

    BOLTON, JOHN Office of the Counsel to the President: Staff Member, 1981

    BOLTON, ROGER Office of Public Liaison: Spec. Asst. to the President for Economic Development, 1988-89

    BONITATI, ROBERT Office of Public Liaison: Special Assistant to the President for Labor, 1981-83

    BONK, BENNY L. International Economic Affairs Directorate, NSC: Director, 1984-86

    *BORCHARD, SUSAN Office of Presidential Personnel: Associate Director, 1984-85

    BORCHERDT, WENDY *Office of Presidential Personnel: Associate Director, 1981
    Office of Public Liaison: Special Assistant to the President for Women, 1981-83

    *BORQUIST, DARYL Office of Speechwriting: Research Assistant, 1981

    BRACKBILL, ANN Media Relations, Office of; Staff Assistant, 1984-87

    BRADLEY, MELVIN L Office of Policy Development: Special Assistant to the President for Minorities, 1981
    Office of Public Liaison: Special Assistant to the President, Minorities, 1982-1988

    BRADY, JAMES S. Office of the Press Secretary: Assistant to the President and Press Secretary, 1981-89

    BRADY, PHILLIP D. Office of the Counsel to the President: Attorney, 1988-89

    BRANDON, MABEL (MUFFIE) Office of Social Affairs: Social Secretary, 1981-83

    *BRASHEAR, ALBERT R. Office of the Press Secretary: Special Assistant to the President & Deputy Press Secretary, Domestic Affairs, 1985-87

    BREAUX, MERLIN Office of Public Liaison: Special Assistant to the President, 1985-86

    BREGER, MARSHALL Office of Public Liaison: Special Assistant to the President for Jewish Organizations and Special Groups, 1983-85

    BRENNAN, JOSEPH Office of Presidential Advance: Press Advance, 1985-88

    *BRISLEY, DENNY Office of the Press Secretary: Assistant Press Secretary, 1985-87

    BROOKS, LINTON F. Arms Control Directorate, NSC: Director., 1986-88
    Defense Programs and Arms Control Directorate, NSC: Director of Defense Programs,

    *BROWN, MAUREEN Office of Speechwriting: Research Assistant, 1982-83

    BRYAN, PATRICIA MACK Office of the Counsel to the President: Associate Counsel to the President, 1986-89

    BUCHANAN, PATRICK J. Office of Communications: Assistant to the President and Director, 1985-87

    BUCKALEW, JUDI Office of Public Liaison: Special Assistant to the President (Health and Social Services, Women, Youth), 1983-85

    BULLOCK, KATJA Office of Presidential Personnel: Manager, Information Center, 1984
    Office of Presidential Personnel: Director, Information & Computer Centers, 1985
    Office of Presidential Personnel: Associate Director, 1986-89.

    BURGESS, JACK Office of Public Liaison: Special Assistant to the President & Deputy Director, 1981-83

    BURNHAM, JAMES B Council of Economic Advisers: Special Assistant to the Chairman, 1982-83

    BURNS, WILLIAM J. Near East and South Asia Affairs Directorate, NSC: Director and Deputy Director, 1986-88

    BUTLER, JUDITH Office of Private Sector Initiatives: Associate Director., 1983-87
    Office of Political Affairs: Associate Director, 1987-88

    *BUTTERWORTH, ROBERT L. President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board: Deputy Executive Director, 1985-88

    *Indicates the Library does not currently have a collection for this individual

    *CAMPBELL, GLENN W. President’s Foreign Intelligence Oversight Board: Chairman, 1982-88

    CANNISTRARO, VINCENT M. Intelligence Directorate, NSC: Director of Intelligence Programs, 1985-87

    CANZERI, JOSEPH Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff: Assistant to the President, 1981

    CARD, ANDREW H. Office of Intergovernmental Affairs: Special Assistant, Governors, 1983, 1985-87

    CARLESON, ROBERT B. Office of Policy Development: Assistant Director, Federalism & Health and Human Resources; Special Assistant to the President for
    Health and Human Resources, 1981-84

    CARLINER, GEOFFREY O. Council of Economic Advisers: Special Assistant to the Chairman, 1982-84

    CARLUCCI, FRANK C. Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. 1987

    CARPENTER, JANE Office of Intergovernmental Affairs: Secretary., 1981-86

    CASTINE, MICHAEL P. Office of Private Sector Initiatives: Deputy Director, 1984
    International Communications and Information Directorate, NSC: Director, 1986-87

    CAVANEY, RED Office of Public Liaison: Deputy Assistant to the President, 1981-83

    *CAVE, JULIE Office of Speechwriting: Research Assistant, 1982-88

    CHAO, ELAINE Office of Policy Development: White House Fellow, 1983-84.

    CHAPMAN, BRUCE Office of Planning and Evaluation: Deputy Assistant to the President & Director, 1983-85

    *CHAREN, MONA Office of Public Liaison: Associate Director, 1985

    CHAVEZ, LINDA Office of Public Liaison: Deputy Assistant to the President and Director, 1985

    *CHERNE, LEO President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board: Vice Chairman, 1982-88

    CHEW, DAVID L. White House Secretariat: Staff Secretary and Deputy Assistant to the President, 1985-87
    White House Operations: Deputy Assistant to the President, 1987-89

    CHILDRESS, RICHARD T. Political-Military Affairs Directorate, NSC: Director and Deputy Director.
    Asian Affairs Directorate, NSC: Director., 1981-1987

    CHUMACHENKO, KATHERINE Office of Public Liaison: Associate Director for Ethnic Americans, Eastern Europe.

    CHURCH, MISTY Office of the President – Ronald Reagan Scrapbooks, detailed from Office of
    Speechwriting: Research Assistant, 1981-89.

    CICCONI, JAMES W. Office of the Chief of Staff: Special Assistant to the President and to the Chief of Staff, 1981-85

    CLAREY, DONALD A. Office of Cabinet Affairs: Special Assistant to the President and Deputy Director of the Office of Cabinet Affairs, 1983-86.

    CLARK, WILLIAM Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, 1982-1983

    CLEVELAND, CAROL Office of Administration, Office of the Director: Assistant

    *COBB, JOE M. Office of Policy Information: Deputy Director, 1982-1983

    COBB, TYRUS W. European and Soviet Affairs Directorate, NSC: Director and Deputy Director, 1983-87
    International Programs and Technology Affairs, NSC: Director, 1987-88

    COCKELL, WILLIAM A. Defense Policy Directorate, NSC: Deputy Assistant to the President and Senior Director, 1986-88

    COHEN, BENEDICT S. Office of the Counsel to the President: Associate Counsel to the President, 1986-89

    COHEN, HERMAN J. African Affairs Directorate, NSC: Director, 1987-88

    COLLINS, JAMES F. Intelligence Directorate, NSC: Director of Intelligence Policy, 1987-88

    COLSON, JANET Special Assistant to the President and Assistant to the National Security Adviser., 1981-82

    COOKSEY, SHERRIE M. Office of Legislative Affairs: Special Assistant, 1981-82
    Office of the Counsel to the President: Associate Counsel to the President, 1982-86

    *COOPER, B. JAY Office of the Press Secretary: Special Assistant to the President & Deputy Press Secretary, 1988

    COURTEMANCHE, JACK L. White House Conference on Productivity: Director, 1983
    *Office of Public Liaison: Deputy Assistant to the President, 1983
    *Office of the First Lady: Deputy Assistant to the President & Chief of Staff, 1986-88

    COVEY, JOCK Near East and South Asia Directorate, NSC, 1985-86

    COX, C. CHRISTOPHER Office of the Counsel to the President: Senior Associate Counsel to the President, 1985-88

    COY, CRAIG P. Counterterrorism and Narcotics, NSC Office of: Deputy Director, 1986

    *COYNE, MARTIN J., JR. Office of the First Lady: Director, Scheduling & Advance, 1983-87

    COYNE, JAMES K. Office of Private Sector Initiatives: Special Assistant to the President and Director, 1985-85

    CRIBB, T. KENNETH, JR. Office of Cabinet Affairs: Special Assistant to the President & Deputy Director, 1981-82
    Office of Counsellor to the President: Assistant Counsellor to the President, 1982-1985
    Office of Domestic Affairs: Assistant to the President, 1987-1988

    CRIPPEN, DAN L. Office of the Chief of Staff: Deputy Assistant to the President, 1987-88
    Office of Domestic Affairs: Assistant to the President, 1988-89

    CRISPEN, ELAINE O. Office of the First Lady: Personal Assistant to the First Lady; Press Secretary, 1985-88

    CULVAHOUSE, ARTHUR B., JR. Office of the Counsel to the President: Counsel to the President, 1987-88

    CURTIN, JEREMY International Programs and Technology Affairs Directorate, NSC: Director and Deputy Director., 1987-89

    *Indicates the Library does not currently have a collection for this individual

    DANIELS, MITCHELL, JR. Office of Intergovernmental Affairs: Assistant to the President, 1985-88

    *DANNENHAUER, JANE Office of the Counsel to the President: Asst to the Counsel for Security, 1981-89

    DANNER, DONALD Office of Public Liaison: Special Assistant to the President and Director, Economic Division, 1985-88

    DANZANSKY, STEPHEN I. International Economic Affairs Directorate, NSC, Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director, 1985-88
    Office of Policy Development: International Economic Affairs, Special Assistant to the President, 1988-89

    DAOLAS, SUE Drug Abuse Policy Office: Policy Analyst, 1984-89

    DARMAN, RICHARD G. Office of the Chief of Staff: Assistant to the President and Deputy to the Chief of Staff, 1981-85

    DAVIS, RANDALL E. *Office of Legislative Affairs: Special Assistant to the President, House, 1983
    Office of Policy Development: Special Assistant to the President and Assistant Director for Energy, Environment, Science and Natural
    Resources, 1984-85

    DAVIS, RICHARD A. Office of Cabinet Affairs: Associate Director, 1984-88

    DAWSON, RHETT B. Operations: Assistant to the President, 1984-88

    DAWSON, THOMAS C., II Office of the Chief of Staff: Deputy Assistant to the President and Executive Assistant to the Chief of Staff, 1985-88

    DEAL, TIMOTHY Coordination Office, NSC: Staff Member, 1981

    DEAN, ROBERT W. International Programs and Technology Affairs Directorate, NSC: Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director, 1987-88

    DEAVER, MICHAEL K. Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff: Deputy Chief of Staff and Assistant to the President, 1981-85

    DECAIN, JOAN Office of White House Correspondence: Supervisor, Comments Office, 1981-83

    DEGRAFFENREID, KENNETH Intelligence Directorate, NSC: Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director, Staff Member, 1981-87

    DEHART, LINDA Office of White House Correspondence: Director of Presidential Messages, 1986-89

    DEKOK, ROGER G. Space Programs Office, NSC: Director, 1987-88.

    *DEMECH, FRED R. President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board: Deputy Executive Director, 1982-83
    President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board: Executive Director, 1984

    DE MOSS, CHARLOTTE Office of Public Liaison: Deputy Associate Director, 1986-89

    *DENEND, LESLIE G. Office of Policy Development: Deputy Assistant Director, Economic Affairs, 1982-83

    DEWHIRST, MARY K. Office of Public Liaison: Associate Director and Executive Assistant to the Director, 1982-89

    *DIXON, SHEILA News Summary Office: Deputy Director, WH News Summary, 1981-83

    DJEREJIAN, EDWARD Office of the Press Secretary: Special Assistant to the President and Deputy Press Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1985-86

    DOBRIANSKY, PAULA J. Political Affairs Directorate, NSC: Director Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, 1981-82
    European and Soviet Affairs Directorate, NSC: Director and Deputy Director, 1982-87

    DOHERTY, EILEEN B. Private Sector Initiatives, Office of, 1985-89

    DOLAN, ANTHONY “TONY” R. Office of Speechwriting: Deputy Assistant to the President, Director, and Chief Speechwriter, 1981-89

    DOLE, ELIZABETH Office of Public Liaison: Assistant to the President, 1981-83

    DONATELLI, FRANK J. Office of Public Liaison: Deputy Assistant to the President, 1983-84
    Office of Intergovernmental Affairs and Political Affairs: Assistant to the President and Director, 1985-89

    DONLEY, MICHAEL B. Defense Policy Directorate, NSC: Director, 1985-88
    Defense Programs and Arms Control Directorate, NSC: Director of Defense Programs.

    DONNELLY, THOMAS R., JR Office of Legislative Affairs: Special Assistant to the President, House, 1985

    DONOVAN, CHARLES A. Office of White House Correspondence: Deputy Director.. 1981-88

    DORMINEY, A. BLAIR Office of Domestic Affairs: Staff Assistant, 1987-1988
    Office of Policy Development Office, NSC: Director, 1988-89

    DORN, NANCY Office of Legislative Affairs: Special Assistant to the President, 1987-88

    DORNAN, DIANE S. Intelligence Directorate, NSC: Deputy Director Intelligence Programs, 1983-94

    *DOUGHTON, MORGAN J. Office of Policy Development: Senior Policy Analyst, 1985-87

    DOUGLASS, JOHN W. Defense Policy Directorate, NSC: Director, 1984-88
    Defense Programs and Arms Control Directorate, NSC: Director of Defense Programs

    *DRESSENDORFER, JOHN Office of Legislative Affairs: Special Assistant to the President, House, 1981, 1982-83

    DREW, EDIE Office of Legislative Affairs: Staff Assistant, 1988

    DRIGGS, MICHAEL A. Office of Policy Development: Special Assistant to the President for Legal Policy, Commerce and Trade, 1985
    Office of Policy Development: Special Assistant and Assistant Director, Commerce and Trade, 1985, 1987-88

    *D’SOUZA, DINESH Office of Policy Development: Senior Policy Analyst, 1987-88

    DUBERSTEIN, KENNETH M. Office of Legislative Affairs: Deputy Assistant and Assistant to the President, 1981-83
    Office of the Chief of Staff: Chief of Staff to the President, Deputy Chief of Staff, 1987-89

    *DUFF, MARISE R. Office of Policy Development: Research Analyst, 1981
    Office of Policy Information: Senior Policy Analyst, 1982

    DUGGAN, JUANITA Office of Public Liaison: Special Assistant to the President for Religion and Domestic Social Issues, 1987-88

    DUGGIN, THELMA Office of Public Liaison: Director, 50 States Project for Women; Special Assistant to the President for Blacks and Youth, 1981-83

    DUKE, MEG SHIELDS Office of the Counsel to the President: Administrative Assistant, 1981-82

    DUNLOP, BECKY NORTON Office of Presidential Personnel: Special Assistant to the President, 1981
    Office of Cabinet Affairs: Special Assistant to the President and Director, 1982-83

    DUR, PHILIP A. Political-Military Affairs Directorate, NSC: Director and Deputy Director, 1982-85
    Defense Policy Directorate, NSC: Planning Staff.

    DYER, JAMES W. Office of Legislative Affairs: Deputy Assistant to the President, 1988-89

    *Indicates the Library does not currently have a collection for this individual

    EARL, ROBERT L. Counterterrorism and Narcotics, NSC Office of: Deputy Director, 1986

    EBERLY, DONALD Office of Public Liaison: Executive Assistant, 1985-86

    EBERLY, SHERYL L. First Lady, Office of the: Projects Office, 1981-84

    EBNER, EUGENE Defense Policy Directorate, NSC: Director, 1988-89

    ELMETS, DOUG Media Relations, Office of: Staff Assistant, 1982-84

    ELMORE, THERESA Administrative Office, White House Operations, 1982-84
    White House Liaison for the Arts and Humanities, 1983-84

    *ENGLER, DANIEL Office of White House Correspondence: Policy Review, 1983
    Office of White House Correspondence: Special Letter Response, 1983-89

    ERICKSON, JACK Office of the Counsel to the President: Consultant, 1981

    ERKENBECK, JANE Office of the First Lady: Administrative Assistant; Special Assistant to the First Lady, 1985-87

    ERMARTH, FRITZ W. European and Soviet Affairs Directorate, NSC: Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director, 1987-89

    EVANS, GREG Office of Public Liaison: Associate Director, 1987-88

    EVANS, MICHAEL White House Photographic Office: Personal Photographer to the President, 1981-89

    *Indicates the Library does not currently have a collection for this individual

    *FABIANI, BARABARA COOK Office of the First Lady: Deputy Press Secretary, 1981-85

    FAIRBANKS, SHANNON (ANN) Office of Policy Development: Senior Policy Advisor, 1981
    Office of Policy Development: Deputy Assistant Director, Economic Affairs, 1982

    FAORO, PATSY Office of Cabinet Affairs: Staff Assistant, 1981-89

    FARRAR, STEPHEN P. International Economic Affairs Directorate, NSC: Director, 1986-88

    FARRELL, J. MICHAEL Office of Presidential Personnel: Deputy Director, Boards and Commissions, 1982

    FAULKNER, LINDA Office of Social Affairs: Assistant Social Secretary, 1981-83
    Office of Social Affairs: Social Secretary, 1985-88

    FEITH, DOUGLAS J. Political Affairs Directorate, NSC: Director Near East and South Asia, 1981

    FELDSTEIN, MARTIN S. Council of Economic Advisers: Chairman, 1982-84

    FENTON, CATHERINE S. Office of Social Affairs: Deputy Social Secretary, 1984-88

    FERRARA, PETER J. Office of Policy Development: Senior Staff Member, 1983

    FIELDING, FRED F. Office of the Counsel to the President: Counsel to the President, 1981-86

    FINAN, NANCY SCOTT Office of the Counsel to the President: Administrative Assistant, 1985-88

    *FISCHER, DAVID Office of the President: Special Assistant to the President, 1981-85

    FITCH, JOHN H. Office of Private Sector Initiatives: Deputy Director, 1984-85

    FITZSIMMONS, JOHN D. Office of Counsel to the President: Staff Member, 1981

    FITZWATER, MARLIN M Office of the Press Secretary: Special Assistant to the President and Deputy Press Secretary, Domestic Affairs, 1983-85
    Office of the Press Secretary: Assistant to the President for Press Relations, 1987-88

    FLICK, RACHAEL Office of Planning and Evaluation: Special Assistant, 1983

    FLOWER, LUDLOW “KIM” Latin American Affairs Directorate, NSC: Director, 1987-88

    FOLEY, TODD Office of Public Liaison: Special Assistant to the President for Business, 1983-86

    FONTAINE, ROGER W. Latin American Affairs Directorate, NSC: Director, 1981-83
    Political Affairs Directorate, NSC: Director Inter-American Affairs.

    *FOREMAN, ANNE Office of Presidential Personnel: Associate Director, National Security, 1985-87

    *FORT, RANDALL M. President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board: Assistant Director, 1983-84
    President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board: Deputy Executive Director, 1985-87

    FORTIER, ALISON B. Legislative Affairs Directorate, NSC: Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director, 1987-88

    FORTIER, DONALD R. Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, 1982-86.

    FOSTER, GARY Advance Office: Assistant Director, Press Advance, 1985-87

    *FOX, J. EDWARD Office of Legislative Affairs: Special Assistant to the President, House, 1985

    *FRANKLIN, ANSON Office of the Press Secretary: Assistant Press Secretary, 1982-85

    FRANKUM, RONALD B. Office of Policy Development: Deputy Director., 1981-82
    Office of Science and Technology Policy: Deputy Director, 1982-83

    FRAZIER, FRAN Office of Legislative Affairs: Staff Assistant, Senate, 1981-83

    *FREE, CHARLES White House Gift Unit: Gift Analyst, 1981-89

    FRIEDERSDORF, MAX Office of Legislative Affairs: Assistant to the President, 1981-82, 1985

    FULLER, CRAIG L. Office of the Cabinet Affairs: Assistant to the President for Cabinet Affairs, 1981-85

    *Indicates the Library does not currently have a collection for this individual

    GALE, MICHAEL R. Office of Public Liaison: Associate Director for Jewish Affairs, 1982-84

    GALEBACH, STEPHEN H. Office of Policy Development: Deputy Director for Legal Policy, 1982-86

    GANDY, HENRY M. Office of Legislative Affairs: Special Assistant to the President, House, 1985

    *GARCIA, ERNIE Office of Public Liaison: Director of Resources

    GARFIELD, MARY LEE Office of Policy Development, 1981

    GARFINKEL, ERIC I. Office of Policy Development: Senior Staff Member, Commerce and Trade, 1983

    GARRETT, H. LAWRENCE, III Office of the Counsel to the President, Assistant Counsel, 1981, 1983-85
    Office of the Counsel to the President: Associate Counsel, 1985

    GARRICK, ROBERT M. Office of the Counsellor to the President: Deputy Counsellor to the President, 1981-82

    *GEISLER, RONALD G. Office of the Executive Clerk: Executive Clerk, 1981-89

    GEMMELL, WILLIAM T. Office of Social Affairs: Director, Graphics and Calligraphy, 1981-88

    GERGEN, DAVID R. Office of Communications: Assistant to the President & Director, 1981-83

    GERMANIS, PETER Interagency Low-Income Opportunity Advisory Board: Senior Policy Analyst, 1986-89

    GIBSON, THOMAS F., III Office of Cabinet Affairs: Associate Director, 1983-85
    Office of Public Affairs: Deputy Director, 1985-87
    Office of Public Affairs: Special Assistant to the President & Director, 1987-88

    GILDER, JOSH Speechwriting, White House Office of: Speechwriter, 1988

    *GLEASON, ROBERT Office of Intergovernmental Affairs: Special Assistant to the President, 1983-85

    GODSON, ROY Intelligence Directorate, NSC: Director, 1983-84

    GOLD, SYDELL P. Defense Policy Directorate, NSC: Director Strategic and General Purpose Forces, 1981-82

    GOLDFIELD, H. P. Office of the Counsel to the President: Associate Counsel, 1981-83

    *GOOD, TERRY Office of Records Management: Deputy Director, 1982-88

    *GOODE, MARK Television Consultant to the President, 1982
    Office of Media Relations: Consultant, 1983

    *GORDLEY, JOHN D. Office of Policy Development: Special Assistant to the President & Assistant Director, Food & Agriculture, 1985

    *GORDON, HAROLD C. Office of Policy Information: Senior Policy Analyst, 1983-85

    GRAHAM, WILLIAM R. Science Adviser to the President and Director, Office of Science and Technology Policy,1986-89

    GRANT, WILLIAM J. Defense Policy Directorate, NSC: Director, 1988

    GRAY, EDWIN J. Office of Policy Development: Deputy Assistant to the President and Director, 1981
    Office of Policy Information: Deputy Assistant to the President & Director, 1982

    GRAY, ROBIN Office of the Press Secretary: Assistant Press Secretary, 1984-85

    GREEN, GRANT S. Legal Advisor, NSC Office of the: Deputy Assistant to the President and Legal Counsel, 1987

    GREEN, MAX Office of Public Liaison: Associate Director, Defense, Foreign Policy & Jewish Community, 1984-88

    GREENBERG, MARK Legislative Affairs, White House Office of, 1988

    GREENER, CHUCK Office of Legislative Affairs: Special Assistant to the President, 1986-88

    GREGG, DONALD P. Intelligence Directorate, NSC: Director, 1981

    GREGORSKY, FRANK Office of Public Affairs: Staff Member, 1985

    *GREGORY, CARLYLE Office of Political Affairs: Special Assistant to the President & Deputy Director, 1987-88

    *GRIBBIN, WILLIAM J. Office of Legislative Affairs: Deputy Director, 1981

    GRIMES, JOHN G. Defense Policy Directorate, NSC: Director (Telecommunications Policy), 1985-88
    Defense Programs and Arms Control Directorate, NSC: Director of Defense Programs.

    GRISCOM, THOMAS C. Office of Communications: Assistant to the President, 1987-88

    *GROOMES, KAREN Advance Office: Special Assistant to the Director, 1984-85

    GROOMS, SALLY Public Affairs Office, NSC: Staff Member (Public Diplomacy Working Group), 1987

    *GUBITOSI, ROBERT K. Office of the First Lady: Director, Scheduling & Advance, 1982-83

    GUHIN, MICHAEL A. Planning and Evaluation Directorate, NSC: Director Global Issues, 1981-84

    GUNN, WENDELL W. Office of Policy Development; Special Assistant to the President and Assistant Director, Commerce and Trade, 1981-84

    *Indicates the Library does not currently have a collection for this individual

    HALL, JOHN Office of Cabinet Affairs: Associate Director, 1984-85

    *HANCOCK, ELLEN Office of the First Lady, Deputy Director, Projects, 1984-85

    HANSEN, JOANNE Office of the First Lady: Executive Assistant to the Chief of Staff to the First Lady, 1983-84

    HANSEN, RICHARD Office of Public Affairs: Staff Member, 1988

    *HARAF, WILLIAM Council of Economic Advisors: Special Assistant to the Chairman

    HARLOW, BRYCE LARRY Office of Legislative Affairs: Special Assistant to the President, Senate, 1983-88

    HARPER, EDWIN L. Office of Policy Development: Assistant to the President, 1981-83

    *HART, WILLIAM News Summary Office: Director, News Summary & Audio Service, 1981-85

    HAUPTLI, TODD J. Office of Cabinet Affairs: Associate Director. 1988-89

    HAUSER, RICHARD A. Office of the Counsel to the President: Deputy Counsel to the President, 1981-85

    *HAUSER, TIMONTHY J. Economic Policy Council: Deputy Executive Secretary, 1986-87

    *HAUSMAN, CONRAD Office of Presidential Personnel: Associate Director, 1982

    HAWLEY, EDWARD (KIP) Office of Intergovernmental Affairs: Deputy Assistant to the President; Special Assistant, 1984

    *HAYES, CAROL Office of Speechwriting: Research Assistant, 1985-88

    *HAYWARD, BARBARA Office of Political Affairs: Associate Director, 1986

    HEARN, ROGER Office of the Counsellor to the President: Special Assistant, 1981-82

    HEINZE, MARY KAYNE Office of the Press Secretary: Staff Assistant, 1981

    HELM, ROBERT W. Defense Programs and Arms Control Directorate, NSC: Director of Defense Programs,1982-86
    Defense Policy Planning Staff.

    HEMEL, ERIC I. Office of Policy Development: Deputy Assistant Director, Economic Affairs; Policy Adviser, 1981-83

    HENKEL, WILLIAM Office of Presidential Advance Office: Assistant to the President and Director, Presidential Advance Office, 1982-88

    *HENLEY, BIFF Office of Records Management: Director, 1982-88

    HERBOLSHEIMER, L. Office of Cabinet Affairs: Associate Director, 1983-85

    HERBST, JOHN E. Policy Development, NSC Office of: Director for Policy Development, 1987-88

    HERRINGTON, JOHN S. Office of Presidential Personnel: Assistant to the President and Director, 1981-85

    HEWITT, HUGH Office of the Counsel to the President: Assistant Counsel, 1985-86

    *HICKEY, EDWARD V. Special Support Services: Assistant to the President & Director, 1981-85

    HICKS, CHRISTOPHER Office of the Counsel to the President: Assistant Counsel to the President, 1981-82
    Office of Presidential Personnel: Associate Director, 1982-83
    Office of Administration/White House Operations: Director, 1985-86

    HIGGINS, ANNE Office of White House Correspondence: Special Assistant to the President and Director, 1981-88

    *HILBOLDT, JOHN White House Gift Unit: Director, 1983-89

    HILDEBRAND, JOANNE Office of Presidential Advance: Trip Coordinator, 1984-89

    HILL, KENNETH JOHN Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff: Federal Security Coordinator for the 1984 Summer Olympics, 1981-84

    *HILL, ROBERT Office of White House Correspondence: Deputy Director, 1982-83

    *HINES, PATRICIA R Office of Policy Development, Administrative Assistant

    HOBBS, CHARLES D. Office of Policy Development: Assistant to the President; Deputy Assistant to the President
    and Director, 1984-88
    Interagency Low-Income Opportunity Advisory Board: Chairman, 1987-88

    HODAPP, NANCY “MISSY” Office of Cabinet Affairs: Staff Assistant, 1981-83

    HODGES, GAHL Office of Social Affairs: Social Secretary, 1983-84

    HODSOLL, FRANCIS (FRANK) Office of the Chief of Staff: Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy to the Chief of Staff, 1981

    *HOFFMAN, TRICIA Office of Media Relations: Assistant Director, Speakers Bureau, 1982

    *HOGGARD, KIM Office of the Press Secretary: Assistant Press Secretary, 1984-85

    HOLLADAY, J. DOUGLAS Office of Public Liaison: Associate Director, Religion and Education, 1984-86

    HOLLAND, DIANNA G. Office of the Counsel to the President: Executive Assistant to the Counsel, 1981

    *HOLMER, ALAN F. Office of Intergovernmental Affairs: Deputy Assistant to the President, 1981-82

    *HOLMES, GARY W. Office of Policy Information: Senior Policy Analyst, 1983-84

    HOLMES, JOSEPH R. White House Television Office: Director, 1981-83

    HONEGGER, BARBARA Office of Policy Development: Special Assistant, 1981-83

    HOOLEY, JAMES L. Office of Presidential Advance: Special Assistant to the President and Director of Presidential Advance, 1984-85

    HOPKINS, KEVIN R. Office of Policy Development: Special Assistant for Policy Information, 1981-87
    Office of Policy Information: Special Assistant to the President and Deputy Director, 1982-83

    HORNBY-SOLON, CAROL Office of Public Liaison, 1986-87

    *HOWARD, J. DANIEL Office of the Press Secretary: Deputy Press Secretary, Foreign Affairs, 1986-87

    HOWLETT, C. A. Office of Intergovernmental Affairs: Special Assistant, 1981-84

    *HUDSON, MICHAEL Office of Legislative Affairs: Special Assistant to the President, Senate, 1984-85

    HUDSON, MAUREEN Office of White House Correspondence: Director for the Secretarial and Typing Unit, 1982-88

    *HUTTON, DEBBIE Office of Media Relations: Assistant Director, Speakers Bureau, 1982-83
    Office of Appointments and Scheduling: Assistant Director, Presidential Spokesman, 1984-85

    *HUTTON, DR. JOHN E. Physician to the President, 1986-88

    *HYDE, JEAN M. Office of White House Correspondence: Special Letter Response, 1981-88

    *Indicates the Library does not currently have a collection for this individual

    INGALS, MARY Office of White House Correspondence: Director of Photograph Requests, 1986-89

    INTRATER, ARNOLD Office of Administration: General Counsel, 1985-88

    *ITCHON, ROWENA Office of Speechwriting: Research Assistant, 1985-88

    *Indicates the Library does not currently have a collection for this individual

    *JACKSON, JEAN APPLEBY Office of Appointments & Scheduling: Deputy Director, 1984-86

    JACOBI, MARY JO Office of Public Liaison: Special Assistant to the President and Director for Women and Business, 1983-85

    JACOBSON, JAMES B. Office of Policy Development: Senior Policy Analyst, 1987-88

    *JAFFKE, KATHEY RATTE Office of Legislative Affairs: Assistant Director & Director, Congressional Correspondence, 1981-88

    JAMES, E. PENDLETON Office of Presidential Personnel: Assistant to the President and Director, 1981-83

    JAMESON, LISA R. European and Soviet Affairs Directorate, NSC: Director, 1987-89

    JAMESON, W. GEORGE Office of the Counsel to the President: Assistant Counsel, 1986

    JANES, NANCY Office of the Counsel to the President: Assistant Counsel, 1986

    *JANKA, LESLIE A. Office of the Press Secretary: Special Assistant to the President Deputy Press Secretary, Foreign Affairs, 1983

    JARRETT, BEN Office of the Press Secretary: Assistant Press Secretary
    Director News Summary and Audio Services
    Deputy Director, News Summary, 1981-89

    JENKINS, JAMES E. Office of the Counsellor to the President: Deputy Counsellor to the President, 1981-84

    JEPSEN, DEE Office of Public Liaison: Special Assistant to the President for Women, 1982-83

    *JOHNSON, DAVID White House Photography Office: Director, 1988

    JOHNSON, ROBERT Domestic Policy Council: White House Fellow, 1987-88

    *JOHNSON, WILLA Office of Presidential Personnel: Associate Director, 1981

    *JOHNSTON, JUDY A Office of Policy Development : Policy Analyst, 1981
    Office of Policy Development: Director, Administration, 1982-88

    *JONES, ELLEN MCCATHRAN Office of Appointments & Scheduling: Presidential Diarist, 1981-89

    JORDAN, JERRY L. Council of Economic Advisers: Member, 1981-82

    *JUDGE, CLARK Office of Speechwriting: Speechwriter

    *Indicates the Library does not currently have a collection for this individual

    KABEL, ROBERT J. Office of Legislative Affairs: Special Assistant to the President, Senate, 1982-84

    KAMINSKY, PHYLLIS Public Affairs Office, NSC: Staff Member, 1981

    *KASS, DENNIS M. Office of Policy Development: Senior Policy Advisor, 1981
    Office of Policy Development: Assistant Director, Commerce & Trade, 1982

    *KAZANIJIAN, DODIE Office of the First Lady: Deputy Press Secretary, 1982-83

    KEARNEY, PATRICIA M. Private Sector Initiatives, Office of, 1984-86

    KEEL, ALTON G. Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, 1984-86

    KEISLER, PETER D. Office of the Counsel to the President: Assistant Counsel, 1984-87

    KELLEY, SALLY Office of White House Correspondence: Director, Agency Liaison, 1981-89

    KELLY, ANNE M. Office of Private Sector Initiatives: Associate Director, 1982-87

    KELLY, JAMES A. Asian Affairs Directorate, NSC: Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director, 1986-88

    KEMP, GEOFFREY T. H. Political Affairs Directorate, NSC: Director Near East and South Asia
    Near East and South Asia Affairs Directorate, NSC: Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director, 1981-85

    KEMP, JUDITH Office of Policy Development: Senior Policy Analyst, 1988-89

    KENNEDY, NANCY Office of Legislative Affairs: Special Assistant to the President, Senate, 1981-88

    *KEYES, WILLIAM A. Office of Policy Information: Senior Policy Analyst, 1983-84

    KEYWORTH, GEORGE A., III Office of the Science Adviser: Science Adviser to the President and Director, Office of Science and Technology Policy, 1981-85

    KHACHIGIAN, KEN Office of Speechwriting: Speechwriter, 1981

    KIMBERLING, MICHAEL Intelligence Directorate, NSC: Director of Intelligence Systems, 1987-88

    KIMMITT, ROBERT M. , Legal Advisor, NSC Office of the: General Counsel and Director for Security Assistance and Legal Affairs, 1981-83
    Executive Secretary, NSC Office of the: Deputy Assistant to the President and NSC Executive Secretary, 1983-85

    KING, GWENDOLYN S. Office of Intergovernmental Affairs: Deputy Assistant to the President and Director, 1981-86

    KINGON, ALFRED H. Assistant to the President and Cabinet Secretary, 1985-87

    KINSER, RICHARD E. Office of Presidential Personnel: Associate Director; Deputy Director, Recruitment, 1981-82

    *KIRCHNER, ROBERT A. Office of Policy Development: Senior Policy Analyst, 1987-88

    KISSELL, KENNETH A. Defense Policy Directorate, NSC: Director, 1987-88

    KLENK, JOHN Office of Policy Development: Senior Policy Analyst, 1988-89

    KLISSAS, NICK Latin American Affairs Directorate, NSC: Director, 1984-86

    KLUGMAN, MARK Speechwriting, White House of: Speechwriter, 1987-88

    KNAUER, VIRGINIA H. Office of Public Liaison: Special Assistant,1981-83
    Office of Consumer Affairs: Special Advisor to the President for Consumer Affairs, 1981-89

    KOCH, KATHLEEN D. Office of the Counsel to the President: Attorney, 1984-88

    KOJELIS, LINAS J. Office of Public Liaison: Special Assistant to the President for Defense and Foreign Policy, 1981-87

    *KOLGAN, FREDERICK R. Drug Abuse Policy office: Senior Policy Analyst, 1986-88

    *KOONS, BETSY Office of the First Lady: Deputy Press Secretary, 1986-88

    KORENGOLD, ROBERT J. Public Affairs Directorate, NSC: Director, 1985-86

    KRAEMER, SVEN F. Defense Programs and Arms Control Directorate, NSC: Director of Arms Control, 1981-87
    Defense Policy Directorate, NSC: Planning Staff

    KRANOWITZ, ALAN M. Office of Legislative Affairs: Assistant to the President; Deputy Assistant to the President, House, 1986-89

    KRUGER, ROBERT M. Office of the Counsel to the President: Associate Counsel to the President, 1986-88

    KRUKE, KEVIN Office of Public Liaison: Special Assistant to the President and Deputy Director., 1988

    *KUHN, JAMES Office of the President: Special Assistant to the President, 1985-89

    KUPPERMAN, CHARLES Office of Administration: Director’s Office, Special Assistant to the President and Deputy Director, 1986-87

    KUTTNER, JOHANNES Office of Cabinet Affairs: Associate Director, 1987-88

    *Indicates the Library does not currently have a collection for this individual

    LACY, WILLIAM B. Office of Political Affairs: Deputy Assistant to the President and Director; Special Assistant and Deputy Director, 1982-86

    *LADD, KATHERINE D. White House Operations: Special Assistant to the President & Director, White House Secretariat, 1987-88

    LAMB, JEAN Administrative Office, White House Operations., 1983-88

    *LAMBERTON, LANCE L. Office of Policy Information: Senior Policy Analyst, 1982

    LANDERS, WILLIAM Office of the Counsel to the President: Associate Counsel to the President, 1988-89

    LAUFFER, SUSAN Office of Political Affairs: Executive Assistant, 1982-88
    Office of Intergovernmental Affairs: Executive Assistant.

    LAUX, DAVID N. Asian Affairs Directorate, NSC: Director. Political Affairs Directorate, NSC: Director East Asian and Pacific Affairs, 1982-87

    LAVIN, FRANKLIN L. Office of Political Affairs: Deputy Assistant to the President and Director, 1987-88

    LAWTON, MARY Office of the Counsel to the President: Administrative Law Officer, 1981

    LAZAN, MICHAEL Near East and South Asia Affairs Directorate, NSC: Director, 1984

    *LEBLANC, DENNIS E. Special Support Services: Special Assistant to the President & Deputy Director, 1981-82

    LEDSKY, NELSON C. European and Soviet Affairs Directorate, NSC: Deputy Senior Director, 1987-89.

    LEHMAN, CHRISTOPHER M. Legislative Affairs Directorate, NSC: Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director, 1983-85

    LEHMAN, RONALD F. Defense Programs and Arms Control Directorate, NSC: Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director, 1983-86

    LENCZOWSKI, JOHN Political Affairs Directorate, NSC: Director Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, 1981-83
    European and Soviet Affairs Directorate, NSC: Director, 1983-87

    LENZ, ALLEN J. Executive Secretary, NSC Office of the: NSC Staff Director for Coordination, 1981

    LEONARD, BURLEIGH C.W. Office of Policy Development: Deputy Assistant Director for Energy, Agriculture, Natural Resources, 1982-84

    *LEONARD, DANIEL F. Drug Abuse Policy Office: Policy Advisor, 1981
    Drug Abuse Policy Office: Deputy Director, 1982-84

    *LEVIN, DANIEL Legal Advisor Office, NSC: Deputy Legal Advisor, 1981-87

    *LEVIN, FRAYDA Office of Policy Development: Research Analyst, 1981

    *LEVIN, MARK L. Office of Presidential Personnel: Associate Director, 1985

    LEVINE, RICHARD B. Policy Development, NSC Office of: Director, 1983
    International Economic Affairs Directorate, NSC: Director and Deputy Director
    Defense Programs and Arms Control Directorate, NSC: Deputy Director of Defense Programs
    Defense Policy Directorate, NSC: Planning Staff

    LEWIS, JAMES A. Latin American Affairs Directorate, NSC, 1986-87

    LI, LEHMAN K., JR. Office of Policy Development: Senior Staff Member; Policy Analyst, 1983-86

    LILAC, ROBERT H. Political-Military Affairs Directorate, NSC: Director, 1983-84

    LILLEY, JAMES Political Affairs Directorate, NSC: Director East Asian and Pacific Affairs, 1981

    LINHARD, ROBERT E. Arms Control Directorate, NSC: Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director, 1982-88
    Defense Programs and Arms Control Directorate, NSC: Director of Defense Programs.
    Defense Policy Directorate, NSC: Planning Staff.

    LITTLEFAIR, ANDREW Office of Presidential Advance, 1985-86

    *LIVINGSTON, DODIE Office of White House Correspondence: Special Assistant & Director, Special Presidential Messages, 1981-84

    *LOEFFLER, THOMAS Office of Legislative Affairs: Principal Coordinator, Central America, 1988

    *LONG, SARAH Office of Appointments & Scheduling: Deputy Director, 1983

    LORD, CARNES R. Planning and Evaluation Directorate, NSC: Director Ideology and Strategic Concepts
    International Communications and Information Directorate, NSC: Director, 1981-83

    LORD, JEFFREY Office of Political Affairs: Associate Director, 1985-88

    LOZANO, DIANA Office of Public Liaison: Special Assistant to the President and Deputy Director for Women and Hispanic Affairs, 1981-83

    LUHN, CHRISTINA A. Executive Secretariat, NSC: Staff Member, 1983-84

    LUMPKINS, SHARYN A. Drug Abuse Policy Office: Senior Policy Analyst, 1981-88

    LUTTIG, J. MICHAEL Office of the Counsel to the President: Assistant Counsel, 1981-83

    LYNCH, EDWARD J. Office of Public Liaison: Special Assistant to the President for Defense and Foreign Policy, 1984

    *LYTTON, WILLIAM B. Office of Counsel to the President: Deputy Special Counselor to the President, 1987

    *Indicates the Library does not currently have a collection for this individual

    MACDONALD, DONALD IAN Drug Abuse Policy Office: Special Assistant to the President and Director, 1985-88

    *MACHOL, MARGOT E. Council of Economic Advisors: Special Assistant to the Chairman, 1985-88

    MACK, RUSSELL Office of Public Affairs: Deputy Director, 1984-85

    *MACKICHAN, ROBERT Office of Presidential Personnel: Associate Director, 1983-85

    MAHAN-DUVALL, JANICE Office of Media Relations: Media Coordinator, 1982-85

    MAHLEY, DONALD A. Arms Control Directorate, NSC: Director, 1984-88
    Defense Programs and Arms Control Directorate, NSC: Director and Deputy Director of defense Programs

    MAHONEY, PATRICK Correspondence, White House Office of, 1982-83

    MAJOR, DAVID G. Intelligence Directorate, NSC: Director of Intelligence and Counterintelligence, 1985-87

    *MALARKEY, RYAN President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board: Assistant Director, 1988

    *MALOLEY, NANCY A. Office of Policy Development: Policy Analyst, 1981

    MANDEL, JUDYT E. International Communications and Information Directorate, NSC: Deputy Director, 1985-88

    *MANN, RON Office of Presidential Personnel: Associate Director, 1982-83

    *MANNING, JAMES Office of the First Lady: Director, Projects, Scheduling & Advance, 1987-88

    MARES, JAN W. Office of Policy Development: Senior Policy Analyst, 1985-87

    *MARKS, DAN Office of the Executive Clerk: Deputy Executive Clerk, 1981-88

    *MARTIN, DELORES T. Office of Policy Development: Senior Policy Analyst, 1987-88

    MARTIN, WILLIAM F. Executive Secretary, NSC Office of the: Executive Secretary and Special Assistant to the President for Coordination, 1982-86
    International Economic Affairs Directorate, NSC: Director

    *MARTINEZ, RAYMOND Office of the First Lady: Deputy Director, Scheduling & Advance, 1987-88

    MASENG, MARI *Office of Speechwriting: Speechwriter, 1981-83
    Office of Public Liaison: Deputy Assistant to the President and Director
    Office of Communications & Planning: Deputy Assistant to the President and Director

    *MASON, MORGAN Office of Political Affairs: Special Assistant to the President, 1981-82

    MASTERMAN, VICKI Office of the Counsel to the President: Attorney, 1986-87

    MATHES, DON Office of the Press Secretary: Assistant Press Secretary, 1986-87

    MATHIS-RICHARD, SUE Media Relations, Office of: Staff Assistant, 1981-1984
    Media Relations, Office of: Special Assistant to the President and Director of Media Relations, 1985-1987

    MATLOCK, JACK F. European and Soviet Affairs Directorate, NSC: Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director, 1983-87

    MATTHEWS, DAVID J. Legislative Affairs Directorate, NSC: Director, 1987-88

    MAY, GERALD M. Space Programs, NSC Office of: Director, 1985-87

    MCALLISTER, EUGENE J. Office of Policy Development: Deputy Assistant Director, Economic Affairs, Housing, and Urban Issues, 1982-84
    Economic Policy Council: Special Assistant to the President and Executive Secretary, 1985-89

    *MCALLISTER, SANFORD Office of Political Affairs: Special Assistant to the Director, 1986

    MCCAFFREY, SHELLYN G. Office of Policy Development: Policy Analyst, 1983-85
    *Economic Policy Council: Deputy Executive Secretary., 1985-87

    MCCAIN, CAROL White House Visitors’ Office: Director, 1981-85

    MCCLAUGHRY, JOHN T. Office of Policy Development: Senior Policy Adviser, 1981-82

    MCCLURE, FREDERICK Office of Legislative Affairs: Special Assistant to the President, Senate, 1985-86

    MCCOY, PETER Office of the First Lady: Deputy Assistant to the President and Staff Director, 1981

    MCDANIEL, RODNEY B. Executive Secretary, NSC Office of the: Special Assistant to the President and Executive Secretary, 1985-87
    Crisis Management Center, NSC: Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director

    MCFARLANE, ROBERT C. Office of the National Security Adviser: Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, 1983-85

    MCGRATH, C. DEAN Office of the Counsel to the President: Associate Counsel to the President, 1986-88

    MCINTOSH, DAVID M. Office of Domestic Affairs: Special Assistant to the President, 1985-88

    *MCKINNEY, JAMES C. White House Military Office: Deputy Assistant to the President, 1987-88

    MCKIERNAN, GERALD Office of Legislative Affairs: Special Assistant to the Presiden

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